
little green seeds

my sprouts fill me with wonder as if they were my own off spring. they sit happily in a jar soaking up sunrays and waiting for their baths twice a day. i coo over every new speck of green that is produced by the seeds. the birth of life. it’s quite magical and i somehow feel as if i’m in a fairy tale when i look at the little guys in their jar.

these particular sprouts are Sunflower seeds. they are rich in vitamin E, are anti ageing, and also help with nerves and sight. different seeds will have different sprouts with very different health benefits. a wonderful list can be found at : http://www.andreajenkins.co.za/article002.html

to be quite frank i am a new sprouter with tons to learn. i’m excited to investigate and learn how to work on my own immune (or lack there of) system and K’s. he is recently recovering from an outbreak of Shingles. we are baffled at what caused his immune system to drop to the extent that he was even susceptible to Shingles. we put the Er doctor at Skyline Hospital in his place after he made the assumption that K was anemic from his vegan diet. why do people assume that the only way to get protein is from meat? Oh right back to topic…. Sprouts.

as much as i have been enjoying the aesthetic and romance of sprouting in jars, i would like a larger production. i have a keen interest in sprouting trays. there are so many types to choose from! i wonder which work best and why. luckily they are not expensive. they are plastic however, and in a lot of them i wonder what kinds of plastic are used and how they are produced. also, i really need to figure out a great place to order seed from. thus far, i have been purchasing organic sunflower seeds from Whole Foods and that is so not the way to go!

once those inquires are solved my next move is to grow wheat grass. not that i can afford a wheat grass juicer at the moment. Margaret of Mother’s Marketplace in Hoodriver advised me to incorporate more wheat grass into my diet. she is a gem to humanity and one of the wisest women i have ever met.

in other news my wonderful grandma has sent me a box of lemons and tangerines off the tree in her back yard. i was as giddy as a little child with these gifts. my grandma said to me that her tree is so ripe with lemons that she doesn’t know what to do with them all. imagine they joy of walking into your back yard and picking fruit! i feel so far removed from such an experience that it really kind of blows my mind. should i make lemonade or lemon tarts?

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