
summer in full swing

there is something about the 4th of july that announces that summer is in full swing. maybe it’s the red and white checkered table cloths with slices of watermelon laying upon them that is so ironically summer to me.

talk of fireworks never seem to excite me and i always think that im not much for liking them and then i see them and it’s a whole other ball game. i grip k’s arm like a little four year old child and point with wide eyes and repeatedly ask him if he just saw it. we had walked out of the restaurant we dinner at with perfect timing for it was dusk and the rain had stopped. logan square residence had  been patient enough and could contain themselves no longer. logan erupted at all its seems and on our walk home we were surrounded on all sides with shimmering displays. we sat a while on the stoop and watched three different displays for a few, relaxed, and agreed that this was much better then trying to watch the city fireworks and dealing with all those people!

summer was very much so in the air at azalea ruby’s first birthday party which was held at bemis woods. flowers from be joy’s mothers garden were lovingly arranged on all the picnic tables. babies in dippers were slashing in the kiddy pool and doggies were running around. i can not believe azalea is one already. it feels as if we were all just gathered in the woods for her baby shower. it has been a joy to watch her grow and change over the past year. she is an amazing child filled with joy.

summer can be smelled and tasted in the organic locally grown veggies i got at the dill pickle food co-op and lightly steamed for our lunches. as i was slicing the carrots i walked over to k shoved it under his nose and proclaimed “this is what food should smell like!” i made a very light sauce from tapioca flower, water, braggs, and honey (from the greenhouse B&B) let it thicken and toped the veggies with it. light, crisp, clean flavors.  we had quite a nice lunch as we discussed why i could not keep a blueberry bush in a pot because it needed to be mulched over the winter and you could not do that if it was in a pot so therefore i could not have one. one day i will live somewhere where i have a yard and can grow food, till then it’s the farmers markets and the dickle.

summer finds me happy and health although will a little to much free time on my hands and being a little to lazy with it. i need to good creative out little right now and possibly have some interesting photo shoots in the works. i need to be doing more yoga. time to get back to my five day a week yoga routine.

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